Been a while since I posted! Probably because I am busy with a puppy and three other dogs.
As the title suggests, Hoot is CRAZY about agility. She loves everything about it.
Today I was working with her on a running dogwalk. We are at the stage where we are transitioning from running on carpet to learning how to run on a plank. She does think that running on the plank is overrated since it makes her think, but she is still a very willing partner.
For the first time today, she decided that she would much rather line herself up to run the plank again then play with a toy. She was too busy to play with that toy or be rewarded. I won't let that behavior persist (because reward and play are too important), but I did find it interesting.
I do adore training this girl, but I am the one who has to have the self-control. She could so easily suck me into very bad habits (not asking for self-control) because she is so fun, willing, and obsessed.
The other big item that we are working on is obstacle commitment. No surprising she always wants to follow motion as she should. But, if I cue it she needs to take it. So we are doing a fair amount of rewarding at obstacles, some Linda Mecklenburg foundation work on the flat to get that obstacle commitment a bit more solid.
That being said, she will send to a tunnel from about 50 feet now (thank you running dogwalk training).